Loading and Processing ContigsFunctions that load, combine, and process the single-cell contig information. |
Adding variables after combineTCR() or combineBCR() |
Combining the list of B cell receptor contigs into clones |
Combining the list of T cell receptor contigs into clones |
Generate a contig list from a multiplexed experiment |
Get Contig Doublets |
Exporting clones |
Loading the contigs derived from single-cell sequencing |
Subset the product of combineTCR() or combineBCR() |
Visualizing ClonesFunctions plotting clonal data. |
Demonstrate the relative abundance of clones by group or sample |
Clustering adaptive receptor sequences by edit distance |
Demonstrate the difference in clonal proportions / counts between clones |
Calculate the clonal diversity for samples or groupings |
Examining the clonal homeostasis of the repertoire |
Demonstrate the distribution of clonal length |
Examining the clonal overlap between groups or samples |
Examining the clonal space occupied by specific clones |
Quantify the unique clones by group or sample |
Calculate rarefaction based on the abundance of clones |
Scatter plot comparing the clonal expansion of two samples |
Hierarchical clustering of clones using Gamma-GPD spliced threshold model |
Visualizing the distribution of gene usage |
Summarizing RepertoireFunctions to summarize clonal sequences across the repertoire. |
Examining the relative amino acid composition by position |
Examining the diversity of amino acids by position |
Examining the mean property of amino acids by position |
Examining the VDJ gene usage across clones |
Examining the relative composition of kmer motifs in clones. |
Quantifying the V and J gene usage across clones |
Single-Cell Object Processing and VisualizationsFunctions to add or visualize clonal information along a single-cell object. |
Alluvial plotting for single-cell object meta data |
Examine skew of clones towards a cluster or compartment |
Visualize clonal network along reduced dimensions |
Visualize the number of single cells with cloneSizes by cluster |
Visualize distribution of clonal frequency overlaid on dimensional reduction plots |
Adding clone information to a single-cell object |
Generate data frame to be used with circlize R package to visualize clones as a chord diagram. |
Highlighting specific clones in Seurat |
Startrac-based diversity indices for single-cell RNA-seq |
DataReference data for package functions. |
A list of 8 single-cell T cell receptor sequences runs. |
Processed subset of |
A Seurat object of 500 single T cells, |