This function generates a network based on clonal proportions of an indicated identity and then superimposes the network onto a single-cell object dimensional reduction plot.
reduction = "umap", = "ident",
filter.clones = NULL,
filter.identity = NULL,
filter.proportion = NULL,
filter.graph = FALSE,
cloneCall = "strict",
chain = "both",
exportClones = FALSE,
exportTable = FALSE,
palette = "inferno"
The single-cell object after combineExpression()
The name of the dimensional reduction of the single-cell object.
The variable to use for the nodes.
Use to select the top n clones (e.g., filter.clones = 2000) or n of clones based on the minimum number of all the comparators (e.g., filter.clone = "min").
Display the network for a specific level of the indicated identity.
Remove clones from the network below a specific proportion.
Remove the reciprocal edges from the half of the graph, allowing for cleaner visualization.
How to call the clone - VDJC gene (gene), CDR3 nucleotide (nt), CDR3 amino acid (aa), VDJC gene + CDR3 nucleotide (strict) or a custom variable in the data.
indicate if both or a specific chain should be used - e.g. "both", "TRA", "TRG", "IGH", "IGL".
Exports a table of clones that are shared across multiple identity groups and ordered by the total number of clone copies.
Exports a table of the data into the global
Colors to use in visualization - input any hcl.pals.
ggplot object
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
#Getting the combined contigs
combined <- combineTCR(contig_list,
samples = c("P17B", "P17L", "P18B", "P18L",
"P19B","P19L", "P20B", "P20L"))
#Getting a sample of a Seurat object
scRep_example <- get(data("scRep_example"))
#Using combineExpresion()
scRep_example <- combineExpression(combined, scRep_example)
#Using clonalNetwork()
reduction = "umap", = "seurat_clusters")
} # }